Friday, March 11, 2011


Lent. The 40 days before Easter where you're supposed to sacrifice something in order to remember the sacrifice that God gave for us, His Son. For some reason until this year, I never really thought about giving up something for lent. Honestly, until a couple years ago, I thought only Catholics partook in it. But then I learned a few Protestant denominations do it as well.

I attend a Baptist church and they do not really put an emphasis on Lent. In fact, I'm not sure I've ever even heard it mentioned at my church.

However, my personal opinion is that giving up something for Lent should not be something you're forced to do because of what kind of church you attend.  It should be your own decision to sacrifice something in order to build on your relationship with the Lord.

So I have decided myself that I will do Lent in my own unique way. I'm not giving something up completely. Instead, I have chose to not listen to any music but Christian music until Easter. [With the exception of my Show Choir music which I have to listen to.]

Several people have questioned my motives on this. The point is for me to give up the music I listen to on an everyday basis that I thoroughly enjoy. No Taylor Swift. No Justin Bieber. No listening to Rise Against's new album when it comes out. I don't think that giving up food or soft drinks is going to help me remember what God did for me, but I know listening to music everyday that glorifies his name will.

So far it has been a refreshing experience and I don't mind it at all. I know this is supposed to be challenging, and I know it will be as time passes though.

In my opinion, everyone who partakes in giving up something for Lent should do something they know is going to help them. If they just complain the whole time or if they don't really care, then they are missing the whole point.

We serve an amazing God that deserves way more than we can ever give. But we can at least make a little more space in our lives for Him. Lent isn't for everyone, but I hope that those who choose to give something up will do it for the right reasons and have a meaningful experience. Happy Lent:)

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