Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Two down, two to go

After Thursday afternoon, I will have completed my sophomore year of high school. Which means? I'm halfway through high school. I'm going to get my license after summer. I'm about to have to make a lot of decisions that will affect me the rest of my life.

Don't get me wrong, I'm super excited about summer break, it's going to be awesome. But just thinking about how fast the past two years have gone by makes me want time to slow down a little bit. Two years from now, I'll be a few days away from graduating. A few days away from saying goodbye to everything I've been used to. A few days away from one of the most exciting, yet depressing experiences of my life.

Okay, so maybe I'm making it sound worse than it is. All I'm saying is that it's crazy how fast time flies. I remember being in elementary school, thinking it would be forever before I would graduate or even be in high school, and now here I am, with two years to go.

Why does graduating intimidate me? For one thing, the whole never seeing some of your friends again thing is pretty sad. But I have no doubt that as awesome as my friends are, we'll stay in touch, The worst part I think will be all the decision making. There's so many different things I'd like to do with my life, and I'm going to have to choose. Plus I'm going to have to go to college and I can only imagine that it's far worse than high school, which personally I don't think is a piece of cake.

For now instead of thinking about all this, I guess I better enjoy my time while it lasts. I have faith that God will lead me on the right path and help me make the right decisions when it comes down to it. At least I'm not a senior now, or I would be freaking out right about now!

Best Wishes and Congrats to any seniors that may or may not be reading this.. And for the rest of us, let's make the next couple of years the best we've ever had. :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Blessed days of confusion

Have you ever had one of those days where something just doesn't feel right? Like you feel stressed for no particular reason at all? Well, today was one of those days for me. So not knowing what else to do, I turned to God and began to pray, not really knowing what to pray for.

I prayed on and off througout the day. A couple hours ago, I went to a local restaurant. And without looking around the place, I began to pray for others there, hoping that they had or would come to know the Lord.

Then in the middle of my prayer, I looked forward and saw a group of six men sitting around a table that appeared to be in deep conversation. I noticed that one had a cross on the back of his shirt, and as I looked even closer, I realized one of the men had been my minister on my Chrysalis weekend a couple months ago. My dad went on to inform me that this group of men were a "reunion group", which is kind of like a bible study group.

This might not seem significant to you at all, but to me it just reminded me that God is always with us. Even distant I feel from Him, He is there for me still. It was so encouraging to see that as I prayed for the people around me, that some of those people in that place were following the Lord as well.

I love experiences like this that just prove to me there has to be a God. It is truly amazing how God works, especially when I needed a little something to lift my spirits.

Never forget that God is everywhere, and always there when you need Him. And maybe, if you just take a little time and pay attention to what is around you, you will be blessed just as I was today:)